Official Language
The official language of MURPHYS 2012 Workshop is English. No simultaneous translation will be provided.
We invite you to send one page (A4) abstract(s) (MS Word format) for oral and/or poster presentations at the workshop e-mail address: before March 15, 2012.
A template for preparing abstracts can be found here.
Workshop Registration Fees
Full registration fee (150 EUR) and Student Registration Fee (100 EUR)
Discounted registration fee (100 EUR / 50 EUR for students) – see details here.
The Workshop Proceedings will be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (indexed ISI Web of Science)
Extended versions of selected papers related to electrical and computer engineering will be published in Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ranked ISI Web of Science, 2011 Impact Factor = 0.700).
Medical Insurance
Participants are advised to make their own arrangements regarding the medical insurance during travel and during the Conference. Neither the Organization nor the Secretariat are able to accept any responsibility whatsoever for damage or injury to persons or their belongings during the Conference.